Headaches & Migraines, Neck Pain, Vertigo, TMD, Sinus Pressure, Disc Injury, Back Pain, Sciatica, Carpel Tunnel, Shoulder Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Tennis Elbow, Golfers elbow, Texting Pain, Ankle Sprains, Knee Pain, Nerve Pain, Muscle Strains, Ligament Strains, Auto Accident


Rocktape|Mobility balls

RockTape makes products that help people move better. When people move better, they tend to more more. More movement is the goal. We offer a variety of tape to fit your needs and style. Our RockTape Mobility Balls are available as well to help you for the 98% of the week your not in the office. Both can be purchased in office or online.



Our office accepts most insurance and MD recommendations for PT/Rehab. Personalized and instructed rehab designed to strengthen and motivate you to move more. Clients are emailed or texted their personal Home Exercise Program with descriptions and pictures of rehab exercises.



Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation is available and used regularly in our treatment to help break up fascia and muscle adhesions. IASTM helps immensely with soft tissue injuries and speeding up the "repair" process through fiber alignment and blood flow.



The Gold Standard in Sports Therapy electrical stimulation. Completely comfortable, non-invasive treatment option used for numerous acute/chronic injuries. 


GAIT & Squat screening

If you run or lift lets go over some techniques to help you move more confident and safe.


ERgonomic re-training

Job oriented, person specific ergonomic education. Repetitive stress actives. Injury specific desk set up's. Self-awareness. Self-release techniques. To & From work routines.